Risk management software will save a company time, money and lives. The software’s main purpose is to identify risk that will harm, hinder or hurt a company’s employees, investments, reputation, image, ROI, and bottom line. Once identified there are 4 main ways to deal with this risk - Risk Avoidance (stop doing what is causing the risk), Risk Reduction (mitigate the risk), Risk Retention (sometimes it is just simpler, less expensive and less risky to just deal with it), and Risk Transfer (passing the buck – the most common example here is retaining an insurance policy or hiring a third party to deal with it). In all cases the first and most crucial step is identification. And without risk management software tracking years of data that can be analyzed for trends, this becomes tedious and improbable.
DataPipe simply put is "risk assessment software" or "risk management" software. It manages risk from the top down. Utilizing a state of the art interface and sophisticated reporting, you can look at your operations in a brand new way. And in doing so, recognize the changes that need to be made to lower risk and maximize your ROI. There isn't just one risk management module. Risk Management covers a swath of useful modules that can all work seamlessly together to make an impact on mitigation of risk, saving lives and reduction of spending throughout an organization.